Trust Edge Partner Certification (Archive)
Welcome and Set Up4Topics
Module 1: The Case for Trust, Storytelling, and Facilitation8Topics|1 Quiz
Module 2: The Case for Trust Cont. and Clarity8Topics|1 Quiz
Nuance: Case for Trust (17:08)
The Case for Trust: Mind Map a Story
Clarity (20:27)
Clarity: Mind Map a Story
Nuance: Clarity (8:47)
How to Facilitate the How? How? How? Strategy (1:56)
Live Example: David Facilitating the How? How? How? Strategy (3:09)
Assignment: Facilitate the Case for Trust (~2 hrs)
Nuance: Case for Trust (17:08)
Module 3: Compassion and Character7Topics|2 Quizzes
Module 4: Competency, Commitment, and Connection12Topics|3 Quizzes
Competency (12:17)
Competency: Mind Map a Story
Nuance: Competency (6:55)
Commitment (14:03)
Commitment: Mind Map a Story
Nuance: Commitment (5:29)
Connection (16:30)
Connection: Mind Map A Story
Nuance: Connection (3:49)
Assignment: Trust Shield (~25:00)
Live Example: The Trust Shield (12:00)
How to Facilitate the Trust Shield Activity (3:13)
Competency (12:17)
Module 5: Contribution, Consistency, and Framework Overview8Topics|2 Quizzes
Module 6: Platform Overview and Rollout Strategy4Topics
Participants 1541
The goal for module 5 is to learn how to apply the Trust Edge assessments! The measurement tools equip you to identify core challenges, create a clear path forward, close gaps, and benchmark growth.
In this module, you will continue to walk through the 8-Pillars to gain insights on training the content as Certified Partner. Under each pillar, you will mind map to identify your own stories and then watch a nuance video where David will reiterate the key concepts.
Keep your Participant’s Guide close by for taking notes on key takeaways.
Learning Objective: Gain insights on:
- Connection
- The Trust Shield
- Contribution
- Consistency
Outline of Module:
- Mind Map: One story and one anecdote for pillar
- Watch nuance video related to pillar
- Repeat with each of the pillars
- Assignment: Facilitate a Pillar
By the end of this module, you will have learned the nuances of training the Connection, Contribution, and Consistency Pillars AND you will have facilitated one of the pillars.
In the next module, you will learn about the assessments, hear how other Trust Edge Certified Partners cascade trust, and create a 90-Day What’s Next Plan.