Lesson 7 of 6
In Progress

Module 6: Platform Overview and Rollout Strategy Copy Copy

Gabe Walker December 19, 2023

In this last Module, you will be learning how to take the 8 Pillar FrameworkTM and begin to facilitate and implement the Pillars and concepts in your context. You will also complete a 30 day rollout plan to ensure you have practical next steps for how to begin to implement this work within your context as well as complete a 90 Day Quick PlanTM that you can use to take the next steps on a personal or professional goal. We will also teach you how to utilize both the individual and team assessments on the platform to help measure trust within your context.

Learning Objectives: Learn how to cascade Trust Edge including:

  • 30 day content roll out plan
  • 90 Day Quick PlanTM
  • Understanding Assessments

Outline of Module:

  • LEARN: Cascading Trust and Assessments
  • DO: 90 Day Quick PlanTM
  • TEACH: 30 Day Rollout Plan

By the end of this module, you will have learned how to cascade the Trust Edge content in your context and have a plan in place for how you will accomplish this in the next 30 days as well as how to utilize the individual and team assessment tools. You will also have completed your first 90 Day Quick PlanTM for either a personal or professional goal.